Shenzhen Topwisdom Technology Co., Ltd
Because cylindrical materials with different diameter, the range and the
resolution of Y axis is different. So the controller provides a reference
diameter and reference resolution for convenience to calculate.
After the reference diameter and reference resolution set correctly, each
time replace material, it just needs to set the ―Diameter‖ parameter in main
menu interface. Then the resolution and the max range of Y axis will be
recalculated according to the ―Reference Diameter‖ and ―Reference
Resolution‖. It means you just need to set the new material diameter.
c. The Modification of Reference Parameters
Set the Equipment to Round. You will see the Reference Diameter and
Reference Resolution have a default value. Measure the diameter of a
material for processing. Input this diameter into the ―Reference Diameter‖
parameter. The Reference Diameter can remain as default value or input
the estimate value to it, 10um for example.
Set the laser max power low to draw out one 50mm length line on the
surface of material. Measure the actual length of the line, 55mm etc. Go
into the Menu/Integrate/Axis set/ Y Axis interface, set the resolution of Y
Axis to reference resolution value. Then follow the normal steps to modify
the resolution. Press ―Choose‖ key to display a window to calculate the
resolution. Set want size to 50, real size to 55 in the resolution window.
Press ―Enter‖ key to calculate the right resolution as 11um, etc. Then Set
the ―Reference Resolution‖ to 11um. Finish setting.
d. Next time you replace the new material with different diameter, just set the
―Diameter‖ parameter in Main Menu interface.
Buzzer Setting:
Press ―Number‖ keys to set the times.
5.4.3 Axis Set
In the Integrate Setting interface, choose ―Axis Set‖ to enter, show as: