SF-8200 Operation Manual
This chapter describes the FAQ and indicates the debugging methods. If the machine still runs
abnormally after using the following methods, please contact the service department of SUEECSS or
local agent.
1) Turn on the power switch without starting the instrument
Possible Causes:
Power cord is not properly connected;
Fuse blown;
Plug the power cord to ensure that the correct connection;
Replace the power outlet fuse.
2) The cleaning liquid emerges from the cleaning position
Possible Causes:
Waste bucket spout is not connected properly;
Turn off the power, wipe the leaked liquid;
Check whether the cleaning liquid on the right side of the instrument and the waste water tap are
connected correctly or re-plug the water tap.
3) Failed to connect the reader
Possible Causes:
IC card reader interface is not connected well;
Exit the software, re-plug the USB cable on the left side of the instrument, and log in to the soft-
ware again.
4) The master module command confirmation timeout
Possible Causes:
Static caused by the network port dropped;
If the indoor environment is dry, it should be appropriate to increase the ambient humidity. Meet the
humidity requirements of the working environment equipment 30% -75%;
Exit the software, wait for the network port to restore the connection, and log in to the software
5) Lack of liquid cleaning fluid alarm or liquid outflow alarm
Possible Causes:
The software will automatically jump to the "reagent" interface and the indication light turn red to
show the status when lack of liquid cleaning fluid alarm or liquid outflow alarm;
Recharge the cleaning liquid, clean the waste liquid;
Double-click Software Cleaner or Waste to cancel the alarm status.