SF-8200 Operation Manual
Select the sample you want to view in the sample list on the left. The last result of the sample test is
displayed in the middle test result area. The sample details display the sample information area on the
1) Enter the sample details
Fill in the sample details on the right to improve the sample information, save information through
the "Save" button below.
2) Sample result data
Double-click any test item to see the item's "result data"
The left side of the list of repeated tests, showing the measured value, the user can check the
corresponding serial number identified as the report of the results, if the check multiple results, then
check the results of the last one to report the results of the sample multiple test data Will be displayed in
the list, and calculate the test value of the selected CV, displayed in the interface, all checked by default
You can check the average of the repeated test results as the report result. For details, refer to "4.4
Automatic Calculation of Mean Value" in Chapter 7.
If the sample test results are abnormal, you can use the "Result Data" to determine if there is a
problem with the measurement process and deselect the test in the duplicate test list to recalculate the