TTrraannssppoorrttiinngg aa ppaattiieenntt wwiitthh tthhee rreettrraaccttaabbllee ffiifftthh wwhheeeell
• Always position the patient in the center of the product.
• Always remove any devices that may be in the way before you raise or lower the litter.
• Always lock the siderails in the full up position with the sleep surface flat in the lowest position when you transport a
• Do not transport the product laterally on an incline greater than 6 degrees (10%) to avoid tipping. Always make sure that
the litter is horizontal (no Trendelenburg/Reverse Trendelenburg) at the lowest height when you transport a patient.
ONN -- Do not use the hydraulics on the base to raise the product with a patient lift under the product.
To transport a patient with the retractable fifth wheel:
1. Push down on the steer side of the brake/steer pedal to apply the fifth wheel.
2. Put the pedal in the neutral position to move the product laterally. Move the product to the desired location.
NNoottee -- Do not attempt to move the product laterally with the retractable fifth wheel applied.
3. Apply the brakes to lock the product in place.
NNoottee -- Always make sure that the brake is released before you move the product to avoid operator or patient injury.
TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg aa ppaattiieenntt bbeettwweeeenn ssuurrffaacceess
• Always apply the brakes on both the surface with the patient and the surface the patient will be transferred to before you
transfer a patient from one patient support platform (bed, stretcher, gurney, operating table) to another patient support
• Always make sure that the patient support platforms are the same height before you transfer a patient.
To transfer a patient between surfaces:
1. Apply the brakes. Push on the product to make sure that the brakes work.
2. Lower the siderail facing the mating support surface to the lowest position.
3. Transfer the patient to the mating support surface.
4. Raise the siderail to the up and latched position.
PPoossiittiioonniinngg oorr ssttoowwiinngg tthhee hheeaadd eenndd ppuusshh hhaannddlleess ooppttiioonn
To position or stow the head end push handles:
1. Pull straight up on the head end push handles one at a time.
2. Pivot the head end push handles (A) to the use position (Figure 6).
3. Push down on the handles one at a time to lock the push handles into position.
KK-6300 Rev 00
Summary of Contents for Stretcher ST1
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Page 855: ...S ST T1 1 和 和 S ST T1 1 X X 系 系列 列担 担架 架床 床 操 操作 作手 手册 册 6300 ZH KK 6300 Rev 00 2019 02 ...
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Page 867: ...序 序列 列号 号位 位置 置 A 图 图 3 3 序 序列 列号 号位 位置 置 KK 6300 Rev 00 9 ZH ...
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