1.3 Current information about operational safety
SIMOCODE pro - Communication
Function Manual, 11/2018, A5E40508495002A/RS-AC/003
Current information about operational safety
Important note for maintaining operational safety of your system
Hazardous Voltage
Can Cause Death, Serious Injury or Risk of Property Damage
Please take note of our latest information!
Systems with safety-related characteristics are subject to special operational safety
requirements on the part of the operator. The supplier is also obliged to comply with special
product monitoring measures. For this reason, we publish a special newsletter containing
information on product developments and features that are (or could be) relevant to
operation of safety-related systems. By subscribing to the appropriate newsletter in the
Industry newsletter system (
), you will ensure
that you are always up-to-date and able to make changes to your system, when necessary.
Sign on to the following newsletter under "Products & Solutions":
Control Components and System Engineering News
Safety Integrated Newsletter.