The user can use keypad to check the IMEI and ID numbers (IP/MAC/IMEI/ID user
function is available in the T
submenu – see the control panel user manual).
4. Enter the data encryption key, identical to that in the module (“GUARDX key”).
Fig. 25. INTEGRA CONTROL application (Android system): “Add control panel” screen with
an example of settings for communication via SATEL server.
6.2.2 Configuring the settings in INTEGRA CONTROL application (iOS)
When you launch the application for the first time, the “Systems” tab will be displayed.
1. Tap “Edit”.
2. Tap “New”.
3. Enter the name for alarm system. The name helps to identify the system when the
application is in use (you can define settings for multiple alarm systems).
4. Configure settings for communication with the INT-GSM module. The settings can be
configured automatically (see “Automatic configuration – QR code” p. 39) or you can enter
them manually (see “Manual configuration” p. 40).
5. Define the language of alarm control panel.
6. Define how the macro commands are to be handled. By default, the macro commands
are to be imported from the module (they will be downloaded during the first connection).