If this option is enabled and the message contains no address or port number, the module
will use the preprogrammed settings.
SMS messages which initiate download of new firmware and/or update of module
firmware can only be sent from the telephone whose number is saved in the module
(see “SMS messaging / CLIP control” p. 16).
Fig. 15. DLOADX program: “Remote firmware update” tab.
Firmware download
When downloading new firmware, the module performs its normal functions.
SMS initiating download
– the control command which, if sent in the SMS message, will
start downloading of the new firmware from the server. You can enter up to 8
alphanumeric characters (digits, letters and special characters).
The command content must be different from that of the other control commands
preprogrammed in the control panel.
If the „Update server address in SMS” option is enabled and you want the module to
connect to an update server other than that indicated in the module settings, the
message should look like this:
xxxx=aaaa:pp= (“xxxx” – control command; “aaaa” –
server address (IP address or domain name; “pp” – port number).
The module sends out an SMS notification on how the new firmware download has
proceeded. The notification is sent to the telephone from which the SMS message
initiating the firmware download was received.
If an SMS message containing the firmware download initiating command is re-sent
when the new firmware downloading is in progress, the module will indicate in reply
the download progress (percentage value).
Firmware remote update
During update of its firmware, the module does not perform its normal functions.
Before updating the module firmware, enter the “Service mode” in the alarm control
panel. Otherwise, starting the update will make the control panel report that the
INT-GSM module is not available.