If the INT-GSM module is connected to the ETHM-1 Plus module, priority must also be
specified for the Ethernet transmission (ETHM).
In the case of SMS reporting, the module gets no acknowledgement of receiving the
event codes by the monitoring station, hence this transmission path should be used as
the last one.
The switch-over from one SIM card to the other one requires time (for example, to log
onto the network), so it is better to use up all the transmission paths available for one
SIM card.
The switch-over from one SIM card to the other is affected by the “Lock time” and
“Return time” (see “GSM phone” p. 12).
Fig. 14. DLOADX program: “Reporting” tab.
SMS reporting
Tel. Number
– phone number of the monitoring station for SMS reporting.
SMS format
– SMS format for SMS reporting. It must be defined as required by the
monitoring station. The SMS message format, preset by default in the module,
corresponds to the default settings of the STAM-2 monitoring station (firmware version
1.2.0 or newer) for the Contact ID format.
5.2.6 Remote firmware update
Remote update of the module firmware is made possible by the “UpServ” update server,
which is included in the SATEL product portfolio.
Update server
– address of the “UpServ” update server. You can enter the IP address or
domain name.
– number of the TCP port used for communication with the “UpServ” update server. You
can enter values from 0 to 65535 (0=disabled).
Update server address in SMS
– if this option is enabled, you can enter server address and
port number in the SMS message initiating the firmware download from the update server.