6. Remote programming / operating of control panel via module
For information related to configuring the control panel by means of the DLOADX program,
please refer to the control panel programming manuals.
6.1 GUARDX program
If the INT-GSM module is connected to the ETHM-1 Plus module, communication via
the INT-GSM module (via GPRS) will only be used if connection via Ethernet cannot
be established (see the ETHM-1 Plus module manual).
Connection between the GUARDX program and the control panel via the INT-GSM module
can be established using one of the following ways:
1. Initiating connection from the keypad (by the control panel). The alarm system can be
managed only from specified location. This method is recommended when the alarm
system owner does not want the system to be managed without its knowledge. The
computer with GUARDX program must have a public IP address.
2. Initiating connection by SMS message. The computer with GUARDX program must have
a public IP address.
3. Establishing connection via the SATEL server. The alarm system can be managed from
any location. No public IP address is required for the computer with GUARDX program.
Connection can be established if the identifiers programmed in the control panel and
the GUARDX program are identical (“INTEGRA identifier” and “GUARDX identifier”).
Required settings of the INT-GSM module for all methods of establishing connection:
enabled “GUARDX” option (p. 11),
programmed data encryption key (“GUARDX key” p. 11).
6.1.1 Configuring the GUARDX program settings
To configure the settings related to communication with the alarm system, click on the
“Configuration” button in the startup window of GUARDX program (Fig. 20).
Fig. 20. GUARDX program: startup window.
“Communication Identifiers” tab
Panel’s identifier
– identifier of the alarm control panel. It must consist of 10 characters
(digits or letters from A to F).
PC identifier
– identifier of the computer with GUARDX program. It must consist of 10
characters (digits or letters from A to F).
Click on
to show the numbers entered.
You must enter the same identifiers in the GUARDX program and in the control panel.