where the SIM card account balance is checked automatically, information on the
account balance will be sent as an SMS message to the telephones for SMS messaging
/ CLIP control, for which the “SMS>>” option is enabled (see „SMS messaging / CLIP
control” p. 16).
Entering 0 will disable the checking.
Check balance SMS
– the control command which, if sent in the SMS message, will run the
function of checking the SIM card balance. The module will execute the USSD code
programmed in the “USSD-check balance” field and will send the reply obtained from the
operator to the telephone number from which the control command was received. You can
enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters (digits, letters and special characters).
If the “PUSH notifications” option is enabled in the module, notification of the balance
of the SIM card account on which there are no funds to send an SMS message, but
there are funds for the Internet service will be sent as a push message (INTEGRA
CONTROL app must be installed on the phone).
Check balance at
– the hour at which the module will check the SIM card account balance. If
you enter no value, the checking will be disabled.
5.2.3 SMS messaging / CLIP control
You can program 16 telephone numbers to which notifications of alarm system events can be
sent by the module. The content of SMS messages is generated automatically, based on
descriptions from the control panel event log.
If a user of the alarm control panel is assigned to a telephone number, the control panel can
be operated from that telephone by using CLIP and SMS messages.
Additionally, you can indicate a control panel user that will be able to operate the control
panel from any telephone number. It is advisable to create a control panel user with authority
level suited for the SMS/CLIP control, not for everyday operation of the alarm system.
The module can send notifications of events by SMS, if the “SMS messaging” option is
enabled in the module settings.
Telephone no.
– telephone number to which SMS notifications will be sent by the module.
– user of the alarm control panel. If you define a user for the given number (including
any telephone number – line Txx), it will be possible to operate the alarm control panel
from that number by using CLIP (see “CLIP control” p. 17) and SMS messages (see “SMS
control” p. 17). Enter the user number or click on the button to select a user from the
The download of new firmware and/or update of module firmware can be initiate by
using SMS message from the telephone number for which the user has been defined
(see “Remote firmware update” p. 20).
SMS messaging
– if this option is enabled, the module can notify the given telephone about events.
– define the partitions about events in which the given telephone number will be
notified. Click on the button to open the list of partitions. When the list opens, click twice on
the partition number to select it. If you define no partition, the number will not be notified
about events.
Events type
– define the event types about which the given telephone number will be
notified. Click twice on the field to select the event type.