Instalattion and operating manual: MGSM 5.0/MGSM 5.0-PS v.1.8S EN
REQUIRED, to prevent automatic PIN code insertion by the module procedure.
all procedures involved in replacing the SIM card, like jumper selection,
interface and module connections, should be performed after disconnecting the
module power supply and ensuring all available anti-static protection
Pressing the SET TIME AND DATE FIELD, transfers the time and date form the PC computer
to the module. The correct time and date is required for transmission test sending in
accordance with the clock and for proper event recoding in the event memory.
The time can be also set by using the TIME configuration SMS in the following format:
xxxx TIME year, month, day, hour, minute,
where xxxx is the ACCESS CODE
e.g. the clock configuration SMS:
xxxx TIME year, month, hour, minute,
where xxxx – ACCESS CODE (e.g. adam)
(example: adam TIME 06, 03, 10, 20, 30 = 2006.03.10; 20.30 hours)
the clock correction can be made in the OPTIONS-CLOCK CORRECTION bookmark
6.6.5 In the connection with MGSM mode, the field in the ON-LINE bookmark
contains the following information:
- STATUS informs about the module telephone and SIM card status: network logged in or not
- NET: specifies operator in whose network the telephone module is now logged in
- SIGNAL LEVEL: graphically displays the GSM operator’s network signal level in
the range 0-5
- SUPPLY VOLTAGE: displays the present supply voltage level on +12V, GND connectors
- AC SUPPLY: displays the present AC supply voltage (only the MGSM xx-PS)
- PHONE: shows the state of connected telephone, telephone handset detection (picked/put)
- DTMF CODE: shows DTMF codes chosen with the use a telephone
NETWORK allows operator's control to whose telephone network is logged in, with
the roaming option enabled i.e. in the borderland regions etc.
NETWORK LEVEL below 2 „dashes” is considered as too low for correct MGSM
module operation and a failure is signaled .
In this case, either a change in the MGSM module location is necessary or a higher
gain antenna should be used.
Before installation and choice of GSM operator, it is recommended to perform a
network signal level measurement by using a standard cell phone and placing the
phone for ca. 5 minutes in the expected installation place and observing the
network level indicator. Attention should be paid to the stability of the reading and
potential influence of weather and time of the year (e.g. a forested area with
broadleaved trees, has a lower GSM signal damping effect in winter).
POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE indicator enables power supply state monitoring, when
the power supply is fully loaded: all outputs switched on (ON-LINE mode), the
module engaged in number dialing and signaling (DIRECT SMS SENDING). Lowering
the voltage below 11V DC will be signalized as a failure
The function enables SMS sending directly from the PARTNER GSM software in the ON-LINE
mode. The SMS content should be entered in the white field and SEND should be pressed.
The SMS is sent to the first telephone number entered in the NUMBERS bookmark.