Instalattion and operating manual: MGSM 5.0/MGSM 5.0-PS v.1.8S EN
(operation/failure), independent 1A output for MGSM-5.0 power supply and 0,3A for
other devices, rechargeable batteries max. 1.2 Ah – 7 Ah/12V, power supply event
register in the MGSM-5.0
PSR-RF of the buffered power supply with built in two channel radio
controller –
range: 50 m-150 m, two channel with relay outputs, extended
operation modes, configuration and output status registered in the EEPROM memory
(the configuration status is restored to the status before the power supply failure,
which assures “real” device control, e.g. alarm system controlled with an input
status), digital transmission control of MGSM-5.0 operation e.g. outputs -
ARM/DISARM, standby, assault (PANIC), event transmission via SMS (control
enables independent operation of PSR-RF relay outputs)
detailed description: capabilities, functions, PSR and PSR-RF programming are
included in the installation manual.