Logic analyzer (option R&S
User Manual 1333.1611.02 ─ 11
"ECL: -1.3V"
Sets the threshold to -1.3
V, which is typically used in emitter-coupled
logic (ECL).
"User Level"
Selects the user-defined threshold.
Enter the value in
Remote command:
User Level
Sets the threshold level value between -2
V and +8
V in steps of 10
mV, or shows the
value of the selected technology.
Remote command:
Defines the size of the hysteresis to avoid the change of signal states due to noise.
Remote command:
Opens a menu to specify user-defined text labels for the individual logic channels.
Bit ← Label
Selects the logic channel or "Bit" for labeling.
For the pod "D7...D0", you can select bit "D0", "D1", "D2", ... or "D7".
For the pod "D15...D8", you can select bit "D8", "D9", "D10", ... or "D15".
Label ← Label
Enables or disables the user-defined label for the selected logic channel.
Remote command:
Predefined Label ← Label
Selects a predefined label text. You can edit the text with "Edit Label".
Edit Label ← Label
Opens on-screen keypad to enter a label text. If you previously have selected a prede-
fined label, it is already written in the entry line, and you can modify it.
The maximum name length is 8 characters, and only ASCII characters provided on the
on-screen keypad can be used.
Remote command:
Logic analyzer settings