Serial bus analysis
User Manual 1333.1611.02 ─ 11
TX is available only on bus 1, and bus 2 is not available if TX is used. On bus 2,
you can set only the RX line. The TX line occupies a second bus line.
Remote command:
Selects if the transmitted data is high active (high = 1) or low active (low = 1). If RX and
TX are used, the setting affects both lines.
High active is used, for example, for control signals, while low active is defined for data
lines (RS-232).
Remote command:
Threshold, Find Threshold
Set the signal threshold for the source channel. Enter a value, or use "Find Threshold"
to set the threshold to the middle reference level of the measured amplitude.
For analog channels, you can find the value also in the "Vertical" menu > "Chan-
<n>" > "Threshold"
For logic channels, you can find the value also in the "Logic" menu > "Threshold".
Remote command:
Defines the optional parity bit that is used for error detection.
No parity bit is used.
The parity bit is set to "1" if the number of data bits set to "1" is odd.
Adding the parity bit makes the data word's parity even.
The parity bit is set to "1" if the number of data bits set to "1" is even.
Adding the parity bit makes the data word's parity odd.
Remote command:
Stop Bits
Sets the number of stop bits: 1 or 1.5 or 2 stop bits are possible.
Remote command:
Bit Rate
Sets the number of transmitted bits per second.
Selects from a list of predefined bit rates between 300
Bit/s and
UART / RS232 (option R&S