SeaBat 8160
Operator‟s Manual
Page 106
October 6, 2011
Version 5
E.1 Overview
The following options are available with the SeaBat 8160 system. If you require
more detailed information with regards to any of these options, please contact
RESON Sales for assistance.
E.2 Yearly Upgrades for SeaBat Firmware
This option provides all firmware upgrades that are released over the period of
one year. This would normally be purchased at the time of initial order for the
second and third year period.
E.3 Extended Warranty Contract
All SeaBat
systems are provided with a standard twelve month warranty (see
Appendix G Warranty Information
). This option provides the ability to purchase
additional annual support.
E.4 Telephone Support and Firmware Upgrades
This option provides the user with additional telephone support and as-required
firmware upgrades beyond the initial twelve month warranty period.
E.5 SeaBat Cables
You may purchase additional cables and/or non-standard-length cables.
E.6 System Integration and Tuning
Onsite installation, integration with a bathymetric data acquisition system,
calibration, and training of operating personnel are available from RESON.