SeaBat 8160
Operator‟s Manual
Page 112
October 6, 2011
Version 5
Sidescan Data Output
The array of intensity values is a series of amplitudes, one for each sample
interface for each sidescan beam. See
for the different sample rates as
they relate to range resolution.
The number of intensity values reported in a sidescan packet is a function of
range. At a 1,000 meter setting, using a 1,500 meter per second sound velocity,
the packet will have 4,738 values per sidescan beam.
The data is output in a series of binary packets via a network connection. These
packets are separated from the bathymetry packets, although they are sent over
the same network link.
The receiving program must accept the packet over the network and properly
interpret it. The packet includes the time of the ping used to generate the data
(only if a UTC input is provided), which beam the data is from, an array of
sidescan data values, and other supporting information.