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Part# TM311
Revised 5/10
Page 29
Figure 25. Insert the injector tips into the injector tip holder.
Snap into place.
9.E. Well Scan Mode
When using formats other than 96- and 384-well plates, the GloMax
Detection System has the option to scan each well multiple times and display
the results by showing an average of those readings.
For 6-well plates the instrument will take a total of nine readings. For 12-, 24-
and 48-well plates the instrument will take five readings (Figure 26).
Viewing of all readings per well can be accessed by zooming in on the
particular well and touching the well on the User Interface screen once the
plate read is finished (Section 9.F).
Scan mode for 6- to 48-well plate formats is not compatible with Kinetics
measurements and dual-wavelength Absorbance measurements.
Figure 26. Read Patterns for Low-Density Plate Formats.
The read pattern for
6-well plates (left) and for 12-, 24- and 48-well plates (right).
12-, 24, and 48-well