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Part# TM311
Revised 5/10
Page 49
15.B. Luminescence Data
Luminescence data is displayed in Relative Luminescence Units (RLU).
Kinetic results are displayed as a graphic curve in the Results screen. To obtain
numeric readings, export the results file to a USB flash drive and transfer it to
a computer. See Section 15.F for transferring data. There will be a single results
file for the entire run.
The X axes are displayed in linear time, and Y axes are displayed in log RLU
scale. The Y axes have a minimum range of 1 log (a result value range of 10).
Each well auto-adjusts to display the graph in full Y-axis scale.
Ratio Readings
When two injectors are used in a protocol, two readings are taken for each
sample. Results are displayed side-by-side in the corresponding well (partial
view) or first reading on top of the second reading (full view). To view a ratio
of the two readings, touch the “Ratio” button. The ratio calculated for
luminescence data is different than the ratio calculated for absorbance data.
The luminescence ratio is calculated as:
Ratio =
1st Reading
2nd Reading
A value of 1 × 10
indicates saturation of the luminescence signal.
15.C. Absorbance Data
Single wavelength absorbance data can be displayed in three different units:
Optical Density (OD), Percent Transmittance (%T) and Percent Absorbance
(%A). Data exported to .csv format is only in OD units. To view the different
units in the Results screen, toggle the button corresponding to the unit type.
Data calculations:
Transmittance (T) =
%T = 100T
OD = –log
Absorbance = 2 – log
I is the light intensity at a specific wavelength that has passed through the
sample. I
is the light intensity before it enters the sample.
The maximum OD value of 5.0 means there was zero transmittance.