Promega Corporation ·
2800 Woods Hollow Road
Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA
Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526
Phone 608-274-4330
Fax 608-277-2516
Part# TM311
Printed in USA.
Page 34
Revised 5/10
10.F. Kinetic Parameters
Figure 29. Setting Kinetic Parameters.
Arrow points to “Kinetic” button.
Initial Delay:
Delay before the start of the first reading to allow the sample
plate to dark-adapt. The range is 0–60 minutes and can be adjusted in
1-minute increments.
Kinetic Interval:
The delay between the last reading of the previous well
and the first reading (or first injection) of the next well. The range is 0.1–60
seconds and can be adjusted in 0.1-second increments.
Shows the time estimated to read the entire sample plate using the
defined parameters.
The number of data points to collect per well. The range is 2–250 in
1-unit increments.
Shows the time taken to read each well using the defined parameters.