Interrupt Functions
Section 1-4
These words are refreshed only once every cycle, so there may be a
difference from the actual PV.
When high-speed counter 0 is not being used, the bits in these words can
be used as work bits.
Using the PRV(62) Instruction
Read the PV of high-speed counter 0 by using the PRV(62) instruction.
The PV of high-speed counter 0 is stored as shown below. The leftmost
digit will be F for negative values.
The PV is read when the PRV(62) instruction is actually executed.
Changing the PV
There are two ways to change the PV of high-speed counter 0. The first way is
to reset it by using the reset methods. (In this case the PV is reset to 0.) The
second way is to use the INI(61) instruction.
The method using the INI(61) instruction is explained here. For an explanation
of the reset method, refer to the beginning of this description of high-speed
counter 0.
Change the timer PV by using the INI(61) instruction as shown below.
To specify a negative number, set F in the leftmost digit.
Operation Example
This example shows a program for using high-speed counter 0 in the Incre-
menting Mode, making comparisons by means of the target matching method,
and changing the frequency of pulse outputs according to the counter’s PV.
Before executing the program, set the PC Setup as follows:
DM 6642: 0114 (High-speed counter 0 used with software reset and Incre-
menting Mode). For all other PC Setup, use the default settings. (Inputs are
not refreshed at the time of interrupt processing, and pulse outputs are exe-
cuted for IR 100.)
In addition, the following data is stored for the comparison table:
DM 0000: 0002 — Number of comparison conditions: 2
DM 0001: 1000 — Target value 1: 1000
DM 0002: 0000
DM 0003: 0101 — Comparison 1 interrupt subroutine: 101
DM 0004: 2000 — Target value 1: 2000
P1: First word address of PV
Leftmost 4 digits
Rightmost 4 digits
Differential phase mode
Incrementing mode
F0032768 to 00032767
00000000 to 00065535
Leftmost 4 digits Rightmost 4 digits
Differential phase mode
Incrementing mode
D+1 D
F0032768 to 00032767
00000000 to 00065535
D: First word address for storing PV change