Serial Communications Board
Section 2-6
The Serial Communications Board is an option that can be mounted in the
CPU Unit to increase the number of serial ports without using an I/O slot. It
supports protocol macros (which are not supported by the ports built into the
CPU Units), allowing easy connection to general-purpose devices that have a
serial port.
Both RS-232C and RS-422A/485 ports are provided. The RS-422A/485 port
enables 1:N connections to general-purpose external devices without going
through Converting Link Adapters. The 1:N connections can be used with pro-
tocol macros or 1:N-mode NT Links.
Inside controlled machine
Serial Communications Board
Temperature controller
or other device
Bar code reader
or other device
Dedicated controller
or other device
External device with RS-232C or
RS-422A/485 port