PC Setup
Section 1-1
PC Setup
The PC Setup contains operating parameters that control CQM1H operation.
To make the maximum use of CQM1H functionality when using interrupt pro-
cessing and communications functions, the PC Setup may be customized
according to operating conditions.
The general PC Setup settings are contained in DM 6600 to DM 6655 and the
Serial Communications Board settings are contained in DM 6550 to DM 6559.
Strictly speaking, the Serial Communications Board settings are part of the
read-only DM area, not the PC Setup, but they are included here because
they are so similar to PC Setup settings.
The PC Setup defaults are set for general operating conditions, so that the
CQM1H can be used without having to change the settings. You are, however,
advised to check the default values before attempting operation.
Default Values
The default values for the PC Setup are 0000 for all words. The default values
for DM 6600 to DM 6655 can be reset at any time by turning ON SR 25210.
When data memory (DM) is cleared from a Programming Device, the PC
Setup settings will also be cleared to all zeros.
Changing the PC Setup
PC Setup settings are read at various times depending on the setting, as
described below.
• DM 6550 to DM 6559: Read regularly when the power is ON.
• DM 6600 to DM 6614: Read only when PC’s power supply is turned ON.
• DM 6615 to DM 6644: Read only when program execution begins.
• DM 6645 to DM 6655: Read regularly when the power is ON.
Changes in the PC Setup become effective only at the times given above. The
CQM1H will thus have to be restarted to make changes in DM 6600 to
DM 6614 effective, and program execution will have to be restarted to make
changes in DM 6615 to DM 6644 effective.
Making Changes from a
Programming Device
The PC Setup can be read, but not written, from the user program. Writing
can be done only by using a Programming Console or other Programming
DM 6600 to DM 6644 can be set or changed only while in PROGRAM mode.
DM 6550 to DM 6559 and DM 6645 to DM 6655 can be set or changed while
in either PROGRAM mode or MONITOR mode.
Write-protecting the PC
After PC Setup settings have been made, pin 1 on the DIP switch on the front
of the CPU Unit can be turned ON to prevent Programming Devices from
overwriting the PC Setup. When pin 1 is ON, the user program, the read-only
DM area (DM 6144 to DM 6568), and the PC Setup (DM 6600 to DM 6655)
cannot be overwritten from a Programming Device.