Memory Areas
Appendix C
AR 11
00 to 07
High-speed Counter 0 Range Comparison Flags
Bit 00 ON: Counter PV satisfies conditions for comparison range 1
Bit 01 ON: Counter PV satisfies conditions for comparison range 2
Bit 02 ON: Counter PV satisfies conditions for comparison range 3
Bit 03 ON: Counter PV satisfies conditions for comparison range 4
Bit 04 ON: Counter PV satisfies conditions for comparison range 5
Bit 05 ON: Counter PV satisfies conditions for comparison range 6
Bit 06 ON: Counter PV satisfies conditions for comparison range 7
Bit 07 ON: Counter PV satisfies conditions for comparison range 8
08 to 14
Not used.
Pulse Output Status for Pulse Output Bit Specification
0: Stopped; 1: Output
AR 12
00 to 15
Not used.
AR 13
Memory Cassette Installed Flag
Turns ON if the Memory Cassette is installed at the time of powering up.
Clock Available Flag
Turns ON if a Memory Cassette equipped with a clock is installed.
Memory Cassette Write-protected Flag
ON when an EEPROM or Flash-memory Memory Cassette is mounted and write protected or
when an EPROM Memory cassette is mounted.
Not used.
04 to 07
Memory Cassette Code
(1-digit number)
0: No Memory Cassette installed.
1: EEPROM, 4-Kword Memory Cassette installed.
2: EEPROM, 8-Kword Memory Cassette installed.
3: Flash memory, 16-Kword Memory Cassette installed.
4: EPROM-type Memory Cassette installed.
08 to 15
Not used.
AR 14
CPU Unit to Memory Cassette Transfer Bit
Turn ON for transfer from the CPU Unit to the Memory Cassette. Automatically turns OFF again
when operation is complete.
Memory Cassette to CPU Unit Transfer Bit
Turn ON for transfer from the Memory Cassette to the CPU Unit. Automatically turns OFF again
when operation is complete.
Memory Cassette Compare Bit
Turn ON to compare the contents of the PC with the contents of the Memory Cassette. Automati-
cally turns OFF again when operation is complete.
Memory Cassette Comparison Results Flag
Difference found or comparison not possible
Contents compared and found to be the same.
04 to 11
Not used.
PROGRAM Mode Transfer Error Flag
Turns ON when transfer could not be executed due to being in PROGRAM mode.
Write-protect Error Flag
Turns ON when transfer could not be executed due to write-protection.
Insufficient Capacity Flag
Turns ON when transfer could not be executed due to insufficient capacity at the transfer destina-
No Program Flag
Turns ON when transfer could not be executed due to there being no program in the Memory Cas-