Inner Board Settings
Section 1-2
Settings for a Pulse I/O Board
The settings in DM 6611, DM 6643, and DM 6644 determine the operation of
a Pulse I/O Board mounted in Inner Board slot 2. (A Pulse I/O Board cannot
be mounted in slot 1.)
Settings for an Absolute Encoder Interface Board
The settings in DM 6611, DM 6612, DM 6643, and DM 6644 determine the
operation of an Absolute Encoder Interface Board mounted in Inner Board slot
2. (An Absolute Encoder Interface Board cannot be mounted in slot 1.)
DM 6611
00 to 15
Mode Setting for Ports 1 and 2
0000: High-speed Counter Mode
0001: Simple Positioning Mode
DM 6643
00 to 03
Port 1 Input Mode
0: Differential Phase Mode
1: Pulse/Direction Mode
2: Up/Down Mode
04 to 07
Port 1 Counter Reset Method
0: Phase-Z and software reset; 1: Software reset only
08 to 11
Port 1 Numeric Range
0: Linear counting; 1: Ring counting
12 to 15
Port 1 Pulse Output Duty Factor
0: Fixed duty factor; 1: Variable duty factor
DM 6644
00 to 03
Port 2 Input Mode
0: Differential Phase Mode
1: Pulse/Direction Mode
2: Up/Down Mode
04 to 07
Port 2 Counter Reset Method
0: Phase-Z and software reset; 1: Software reset only
08 to 11
Port 2 Numeric Range
0: Linear counting; 1: Ring counting
12 to 15
Port 2 Pulse Output Duty Factor
0: Fixed duty factor; 1: Variable duty factor
DM 6611
00 to 15
Origin Compensation for Port 1
(4-digit BCD)
Origin will be compensated when the Port 1 Origin Compensa-
tion Bit (SR 25201) is turned ON. The compensation value will
be recorded in BCD between 0000 and 4095 whether the
counter is set to BCD mode or 360
DM 6612
00 to 15
Origin Compensation for Port 2
(4-digit BCD)
Origin will be compensated when the Port 2 Origin Compensa-
tion Bit (SR 25202) is turned ON. The compensation value will
be recorded in BCD between 0000 and 4095 whether the
counter is set to BCD mode or 360
DM 6643
00 to 07
Port 1 Input Resolution
00: 8 bits; 01: 10 bits; 02: 12 bits
08 to 15
Port 1 Operating Mode
00: BCD mode; 01: 360
DM 6644
00 to 07
Port 2 Input Resolution
00: 8 bits; 01: 10 bits; 02: 12 bits
08 to 15
Port 2 Operating Mode
00: BCD mode; 01: 360