High-speed Counter Board
Section 2-1
DM 6611: 0001 (Sourcing outputs for external outputs 1 to 4, 8-digit BCD
for PV storage of high-speed counters 1 to 4)
DM 6643: 0003 (High-speed counter 1: Count frequency of 50 kHz; Linear
Mode; phase-Z software reset; Up/Down Mode).
When the PV reaches 2500, IR 05000 will be turned ON and external output 1
will be turned ON.
When the PV reaches 7500, IR 05001 will be turned ON and external output 2
will be turned ON.
When the PV reaches 10000, IR 05002 will be turned ON and external output
3 will be turned ON.
Counter PV
Target value 3: 10000
Target value 1: 2500
Target value 2: 7500
PV reset on
phase Z signal
PV reset on
phase Z signal
Bit pattern 1
Bit pattern 3
Bit pattern 2
Target value 3
Target value 1
Target value 2
Internal bit pattern
IR 240
Contents of IR 240
External output 1
External output 2
External output 3
0100 Hex: External output
1 ON
IR 05000 ON
0201 Hex: External output
2 ON
IR 05001 ON
0402 Hex: External output
3 ON
IR 05002 ON
External bit pattern