Timer and Counter Instructions
Section 5-16
ring value is 0 to 65,000. Do not change the ring value while a comparison is
in progress.
The following diagram shows the structure of a range comparison table for
use with the Absolute Encoder Interface Board’s high-speed counters 1 and 2.
The subroutine number can be 0000 to 0255 and the subroutine will be ex-
ecuted as long as the counter’s PV is within the specified range. A value of
FFFF indicates that no subroutine is to be executed.
Allow a time interval of at least 2 ms between the lower and upper limits
(upper limit – lower limit > 0.002
input pulse frequency) in range compar-
isons with high-speed counters 1 and 2.
The following table shows the possible values for target values, lower limit val-
ues, and upper limit values. The hexadecimal value F in the most significant
digit indicates that the value is negative.
In 360
mode the absolute high-speed counter’s angular values are internally
converted to binary values. The binary value after conversion depends on the
resolution selected in the PC Setup (DM 6643 and/or DM 6644). The following
table shows the converted values for 5
to 45
TB Ring value, lower 4 digits (BCD)
TB+1 Ring value, upper 4 digits (BCD)
TB+3 Lower limit #1, lower 4 digits (BCD)
TB+4 Lower limit #1, upper 4 digits (BCD)
TB+5 Upper limit #1, lower 4 digits (BCD)
TB+6 Upper limit #1, upper 4 digits (BCD)
TB+7 Subroutine number (See note 1.)
TB+37 Lower limit #8, lower 4 digits (BCD)
TB+38 Lower limit #8, upper 4 digits (BCD)
TB+39 Upper limit #8, lower 4 digits (BCD)
TB+40 Upper limit #8, upper 4 digits (BCD)
TB+41 Subroutine number (See note 1.)
First range setting
Eighth range setting
Ring value setting
TB Lower limit #1(BCD)
TB+2 Upper limit #1 (BCD)
TB+4 Subroutine number (See note 1.)
TB+21 Lower limit #8 (BCD)
TB+22 Upper limit #8 (BCD)
TB+23 Subroutine number (See note 1.)
First range setting
Eighth range setting
Possible values
High-speed counter 0
(CPU Unit)
Differential phase mode: F003 2768 to 0003 2767
Incrementing mode: 0000 0000 to 0006 5535
High-speed counters
1 and 2
(Pulse I/O Board)
Linear counting: F838 8607 to 0838 8608
Ring counting: 0000 0000 to 0006 4999
Absolute high-speed
counters 1 and 2
(Absolute Encoder
Interface Board)
BCD mode: 0000 to 4095
mode: 0000 to 0355 (5