Exchanging Data with CX-Process Monitor/SCADA Software and with Other Nodes
CX-Process Monitor inputs this system information data. The following table
shows the details of each word of the system information.
Offset address
Description of word bits
Unit address
Unit number (0 to F Hex) of Loop Control Unit +
10 Hex are automatically stored to lower two
bits. Upper two bits are 00 Hex.
Loop Control
Unit run status
Status is stored to the following bits in one word:
Bit 00: "1" during running of Loop Control Unit,
"0" in stop state
Bit 01: "1" when PV error input is ON, "0" when
Bit 02: "1" when MV error input is ON, "0" when
Bit 03: "1" at execution error, "0" when normal
Bit 04: "1" at function block database error, "0"
when normal
Bit 05: "1" at battery error, "0" when normal
Bit 15:
"1" when function blocks have been
downloaded in function block units, "0"
when function blocks have not been
downloaded in functin block units or
when a hot or cold start is initiated.
CPU Unit run
Status is stored to the following bits in one word:
Bit 00: "1" at fatal error
Bit 01: "1" when running
Bit 02: "1" at output OFF
Bit 03: "1" in RUN mode
Bit 04: "1" in MONITOR mode
Bit 05: Not used
Bit 06: "1" in PROGRAM mode
Data update
check code
(used by system)
The value itself that is to be stored is used by the
system and is of no relevance for the user. (This
value changes constantly when the Data
Memory for the Node Terminals is being updated
by the Loop Control Unit.)