Empty the Ink Waste Tray
The waste tray is located below the Maintenance Station. It accumulates
ink that has dripped from the printheads or ink waste that results from a
purge when performing Printhead Maintenance or Swabbing the
Printheads. The ink drops onto a sloped drain plate at the base of the
Maintenance Station and drains from there into the waste tray.
When to do
Check the waste tray periodically and empty, when needed. When you
perform Printhead Maintnance, it is a good practice to visually examine the
sloped drain plate at the bottom of the Maintanance Station. If ink starts to
pool on the drain plate it is time to empty the waste tray (if you can see ink
it means the the waste tray is full and is now backing up into the
maintenance station). The capacity of the waste tray is approximately 1.5
Required tools
Cloth or paper towel
Empty semi-transparent plastic container
Nitrile Gloves
Put a cloth or paper towel in place on the floor to catch any drips while the
tray is emptied.
Place a suitable empty container that holds at least 1 liter under the waste
tray drain.
Empty the Ink Waste Tray
Chapter 12 - Printer Maintenance
User Manual: Arizona (AZ) 440 GT, AZ 440 XT, AZ 460 GT, AZ 460 XT, AZ 480 GT, AZ 480 XT - Rev. B, 4/2013