Custom - Custom ink color to data mapping and advanced options
Custom Layer Definition
The "Custom" layer definition allows customer ink color to data mapping
and advanced options for the selecting the printer flood level or mirroring
the data.
There are five color channels: C,M,Y,K and W, and six data planes:
C,M,Y,K,Spot 1, and Spot 2 data.
Each color channel can be configured to print: nothing, any one of the six
data planes, or have the printer generate flood data with a chosen drop
Example 1: White ink to be printed Spot 2 data
How to Print White Ink Jobs
Chapter 9 - How to Work With White Ink and Varnish
User Manual: Arizona (AZ) 440 GT, AZ 440 XT, AZ 460 GT, AZ 460 XT, AZ 480 GT, AZ 480 XT - Rev. B, 4/2013