How to Prepare White Ink/Varnish Print
Select the Best Workflow
When working with white ink or varnish you can choose the workflow that
best fits your needs. There are three main approaches to white ink/varnish
workflow with your printer:
Printer Flood Fill Mode
- uses the Printer Flood Fill Configuration.
ONYX Spot Layer Tool
- generate the white spot data in ONYX
ProductionHouse or Thrive.
Spot Data (pre-defined)
- spot data is created in image editing
application such as Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, or PhotoShop.
The sections that follow will explain how to prepare images for these three
different workflow approaches to white ink and varnish.
How to Prepare White Ink/Varnish Print Jobs
Chapter 9 - How to Work With White Ink and Varnish
User Manual: Arizona (AZ) 440 GT, AZ 440 XT, AZ 460 GT, AZ 460 XT, AZ 480 GT, AZ 480 XT - Rev. B, 4/2013