Fig. 2.37
Status|Energy window (Yearly view)
The Status|Energy window provides the Reset Button which clears the logged kWh and begins
updating the field with new values.
The Status|Maint. window displays the cumulative time in hours the heating cable has been powered
and the number of cycles the EMR has turned on and off for the selected circuit. If the Power Cycle
feature is turned on the date and time of the last and next power cycle is displayed. The power cycle
test energizes the heating cable selected for 2 minutes to verify it is in working order.
Fig. 2.38
Status|Maint. window
The Status|Maint. window provides the following controls:
Heater Time On
Total time the heating cable has been energized since it was last
Reset Heater Time
Resets heating cable time to 0, and begins updating the field with
new values.
Relay Cycle Count
Total number of times the EMR has switched on since it was last
Reset Relay Cycle Count
Resets the Relay Cycle count to 0, and cycle counts begin again.
Power Cycle Test
Shows the time of the last automatic power cycle test and when
the next test will be conducted.