The Status|Energy window displays the power consumed by the heating cable circuit since the last reset.
The energy consumption is recorded every hour in the ACS-30 system which can store data fora
maximum of 5 years. After that time the first year data is deleted from the database.
The energy consumption database can be downloaded as XML file in order store or statistically
analyze the data. See Appendix 5.6 for more information.
Different views are available and selectable by a dedicate menu:
Fig. 2.29
Status|Energy window window View selection
The hourly view plots the energy consumption over the selected day with a time interval of one hour.
The actual and the previous 7 days can be selected.
Fig. 2.30 Status|Energy window (Hourly view)
The Total value displayed (bottom/left position) represents the total energy consumption of the
circuit since the last reset, while the Energy Consumption value (on the plot’s headline) represents
the consumption for the shown view.