Since many times heating is needed at similar times of day, a function was included to allow you to
copy a day to one or more other days. This can be accessed by tapping on the “Copy” button on the
main window of the scheduler.
Fig. 5.3
Scheduler - copying a day
To copy a day, navigate to the day that you have already set up and press the “Copy” button on the
main window. The bottom portion of the window will change to something similar shown above.
Place a check mark next to each day that you the schedule to be copied to. Press OK to finish.
When using the scheduler for an HWAT circuit, the presets option will appear on the main window.
Tapping on this button will bring you to the presets configuration window where you can choose out
of a list of common presets. After choosing a preset, they can be modified to fit your specific needs.
Fig. 5.4 Scheduler - presets
Presets Dropdown Box
Tap on the drop down box to view the list of presets available. Selecting a
preset will temporarily display it on the Scheduler Graph.
Cancel Button
Tapping this button will return you to the main window with the original schedule
prior to entering the Presets Configuration.