Instruction Manual
NivuFlow Stick
Page 66
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
39 Diagnostics Signal Analysis Menu
This menu is used to scan and to review the incoming signal from the sensor. Moreover the
sensor function can be tested here.
Fig. 39-1 Signal analysis selection menu / Inspect / Gates
Select from the options below:
No signal scan/evaluation
(Coarse) signal scan based on customer settings and possibly extended ranges.
>Index<: Subsections 1...8
>VZoom< of chart: X1, X2, X5, X10, X20 and X50
>Scaling< of chart: Time or Distance
A check mark can be set with >FFT< (Fast Fourier Transform). The selection
changes the scaling from the time domain to the frequency domain. The signal is
thus broken down into its frequency components and can be better examined for
>Download<: of current data (as .csv file) to be analysed by NIVUS.
Indication of the signals of the 16 gates with higher resolution.
>Index<: Gates 1...16
>VZoom< of chart: X1, X2, X5, X10, X20 and X50
>Scaling< of chart: Time or Distance
A check mark can be set with >FFT< (Fast Fourier Transform). The selection
changes the scaling from the time domain to the frequency domain. The signal is
thus broken down into its frequency components and can be better examined for
>Download<: of current data (as .csv file) to be analysed by NIVUS.