Parameter Setting
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
Page 45
Top compute average values of flow velocities within individual measurement spots/ranges
the transmitter needs to know which of both calculation methods “Mid section” or “Mean sec-
tion” is to be used.
For details see DIN ISO 748 “Hydrometry – Measurement of liquid flow in open
channels using currentmeters or floats (ISO 748:2007); German version EN ISO
Fig. 30-5 Calculation
Bank left, k(Bank left), Bank right and k(Bank right)
>Bank left<
>Bank right<
specify the medium depth at each of the outermost rims of
the flowing water body.
A sloping embankment requires entering “0.000 m” while vertical flumes (walls) need to
measure the depth (e.g. using a yardstick) which then is entered as value.
>k(Bank left)<
>k(Bank right)<
specify correction factors as percentage which are
considered with the calculation to compensate for inaccuracies due to the rim of the water
body. This value is based on empirical values of the user. The
default setting
is “80 %” and
can be left in most cases.
Fig. 30-6 Bank