Delivery, Storage and Transport
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
Page 15
Delivery, Storage and Transport
10 Delivery
The standard delivery of the NivuFlow Stick basically contains:
Flow measurement system type NivuFlow Stick (according to shipping documents)
Instruction manual (incl. certificates of conformity) containing any relevant information
on how to operate the NivuFlow Stick
Check extra accessories depending on your order and by using the delivery note.
11 Reception inspection
Check the packaging for visible damage immediately after receipt. Any possible damage in
transit shall be instantly reported to the carrier. Furthermore a written report shall be sent to
NIVUS GmbH in Eppingen.
Incomplete deliveries shall be reported in writing either to your local representative or directly
to the NIVUS GmbH in Eppingen within two weeks.
Important note
Objections cannot be rectified later.
12 Storage
The permissible maximum values regarding ambient conditions such as temperature and
humidity according to Sect. “17 Specifications” shall be necessarily observed.
Protect the instrument from corrosive or organic solvent vapours, radioactive radiation as well
as strong electromagnetic radiation.
Use the original packaging for storage.
13 Transport
Protect NivuFlow Stick against heavy impacts, shocks, punches or vibration using appropri-
ate safety measures such as belts or similar.
14 Return
In case of a required reshipment return the unit at customer cost to NIVUS GmbH in Ep-
pingen using the original packaging.
Insufficiently franked shipments will not be accepted!