Instruction Manual
NivuFlow Stick
Page 12
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
3.2 Warning notices on the product (option)
General warning label
This symbol is for operators to refer to this manual.
Observing the information contained therein is required in order to maintain protection
measures provided by the instrument during installation procedures and operation.
4 Safeguards and Precautions
Working with NIVUS instruments requires to observe and to follow the safety
measures and precautions below generally and at any time. These notes and warnings
will not be repeated for each description within the document.
Check danger through explosive gases
Prior to beginning works make sure to observe any regulations on safety at work as well as
(especially in closed canal systems) to check the potential risk due to explosive gases. Use
a gas warner to check.
Disregarding may lead to personal injury or damage your equipment.
Germ contamination
Parts can be contaminated with dangerous germs, especially if the sensors are used in
waste water applications. Therefore, appropriate precautions must be taken when contact-
ing cables and sensors.
Wear protective clothing.
Observe occupational safety regulations
Before starting and while executing works, observing the work safety regulations needs to
be checked constantly.
Disregarding these regulations may lead to personal injury.
Integrated buffer battery
The integrated buffer battery may only be exchanged by NIVUS staff or personnel author-
ised by NIVUS. Infringements lead to a limitation of the warranty (see Sect. “5 Warranty”).
5 Warranty
The device has been functionally tested before delivery. If it is used as intended (see Sect. “7
Use in accordance with the requirements”) and the operating instructions, and the safety
notes and instructions contained therein, are observed, no functional restrictions are to be
expected and perfect operation should be possible.
Please also note in this regard the next Sect. “6 Liability Disclaimer”.
Limitation of warranty
In the event of non-compliance with the safety instructions and instructions in this docu-
ment, the companies of the NIVUS group of companies reserve the right to limit the warran-