Instruction Manual
NivuFlow Stick
Page 62
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
This measurement point will be added to the indication on the display depending on the spec-
ified position (in meters). Adjacent measurement points are synchronised regarding the width.
>Delete measurement point<
Deletes the current measurement point(s)/vertical(s) within the flume.
The adjacent measurement points are synchronised regarding the width in the graph on the
Fig. 35-7 Measurement point: change/add/delete
>Enter position offset<
Here it is possible to specify an offset/horizontal deviation to the originally computed position
of the selected measurement point/vertical.
The according measurement point as well as the adjacent ones are synchronised regarding
the width in the graph on the display.
Position offset maybe required as soon as (realistic) measurements are not possible at the
original measurement point.
Modifies the originally specified flume width. All measurement points/verticals are changed
All measurement positions are synchronised regarding the width in the graph on the display.
>Restart measurement<
Deletes current measurement results from the indication and starts a new measurement.
The system prompts “Load measurement place settings?”.
If “Yes” the saved and original parameters of the measurement place are loaded. All
modifications entered via quick access are deleted.
“No” continues using the current measurement place settings entered via quick access.