Instruction Manual
NivuFlow Stick
Page 46
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
Measurement Points
Use “Measurement points” to specify the number of measurement spots individually.
Default setting
: 10
The individual positions of the measurement spots are listed in a table. If it should not be
possible to comply with the suggested positions the distances in the measurement spot list
can be overwritten manually.
Fig. 30-7 Measurement point positions
Quality Trigger min.
Enter the minimum value for the trigger quality here as percentage. All values above this per-
centage are counted as good. In general: the higher the particle content and the less medium
vorticity, the higher the trigger quality.
Default setting
: 20 %
Should the real value during a measurement be lower than the value set or even invalid the
transmitter shows “Qual. trig.: x.x%” in the main screen (right side above the graph) high-
lighted in red. If the real value is higher than the value set the message will be highlighted
30.1.10 Measurement Duration
Set the duration of individual measurements (in seconds) here manually.
Default setting
: 30 s
Running measurements can be aborted. The measurement is counted and the abort is
See Sect. “22.3 Steps to execute Flow Measurements”.
30.1.11 Damping
This menu enables to adjust the display and analog output damping in seconds.
Damping relates to all level and flow velocity values which are available as input. It is not
possible to select individual values and to damp single values in different ways.
Taking the specified period, all readings are saved and a floating average is created for each
individual average value. This average is used for further calculation of the flow rate.
Input the value in steps of one second.
Default setting
: 5 s