Main Display
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
Page 59
Main Display
35.1 Information on the Main Screen
Direct access
Besides indicating the values themselves, the main screen enables direct and quick access
to the most relevant adjustable parameters.
The modified
adjustable parameters
are valid only for the
current measurement
and do
not change the original measurement place parameters. Reloading a measurement place will
reactivate the original adjustable parameters.
Fig. 35-2 Selection quick access menus / pop-up menus
Should the
Quality Trigger
be insufficient for the measurement or below the defined limit the
message “Qual. Trig.:” right-hand above the graph and the following value in % are highlight-
ed red. If the real value should be higher than the minimum value set the message is high-
lighted green.
See also Sect. “30.1.9 Quality Trigger min.“.
35.2 Select/Open the Pop-Up Menus
In the
screens as well as in the arrow fields shortly press with
the left mouse key or shortly touch the touchscreen to jump between positions or to open the
pop-ups of the quick access menus.
Shortly click/touch “Position 1/x” area to start and to stop the measurement. To open the pop-
up hold the click or keep the field touched for a moment:
Hold the left mouse key for a moment
Keep touching the field on the touchscreen for a moment