Parameter Setting
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
Page 49
Table: Position, Level, Flow and Factor
The values in the table show the measured or computed values of the individual measure-
ment place positions and cannot be modified.
Save indicated data and values under the respective measurement place name followed by
the message >Successful<.
Load previously saved data and values which have been saved using the >Save< function
and now can be recalled at any time. Select by using the indicated directory and document
symbols. The measurement place name and the saving date of the measurement as part of
the file name provide a relevant aid for selection.
Fig. 31-3 Loading existing measurement place data
31.1.10 Download
Download saved readings for further processing in other software applications here. There
are pdf, csv and xml available as file formats from the pop-up menu. Selecting zip will create
a directory containing the chosen file in all three formats (pdf, csv and xml).
Select by using the indicated directory and document symbols.
Fig. 31-4 Download as xml / csv / pdf