Parameter Setting
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
Page 47
30.1.12 Stability
The stability parameter defines the period the transmitter bridges values without having valid
measurement events (e.g. in case of invalid level or flow velocity readings) available.
During this period the transmitter operates using the latest valid reading. If the specified peri-
od is exceeded without detecting a correct value the transmitter goes back to reading “0”
considering the damping set. The transmitter does not store the values.
Input the value in steps of one second.
Default setting
: 30 s
30.2 Diagnostics Menu
The Diagnostics menu is described separately in Sect. “Diagnostics” starting at page 64 of
the instruction manual.
31 Readings Menu
31.1 Menu >Readings<: Information and Parameter Setting Options
Use of the >Readings< Menu
While in >Measure Place< parameter setting menu the basic settings for a “default meas-
urement place” are set, the >Readings< parameter setting menu is the actual working area
on site. Here the individual measurement place parameters are set and the according read-
ings are saved. All menu points which can be set in >Measurement Place< are adjustable.
Furthermore, various measured or computed measurement place readings are indicated.
After powering up the NivuFlow Stick there are three different procedures available to set the
parameters of a measurement place:
First, it is possible to use the latest measurement place settings. This makes sense as
soon as the measurement is to be continued right on the measurement place used for
the last measurement with the NivuFlow Stick metering system.
Known measurement places which have been measured and saved at any point in time
can be reloaded by using >Load< (see Sect. “31.1.9 Load”). Save such measurement
places using the new readings after the measurement.
Moreover, the “default measurement place” previously set under >Measure Place< can
be loaded and adjusted to the current measurement place. Save such a measurement
place using the new readings after the measurement.
It is up to the user which of the three procedures is used. When powering up the transmitter
always the last measurement place used is actively loaded and indicated.
Fig. 31-1 Readings Menu