Instruction Manual
NivuFlow Stick
Page 14
NivuFlow Stick - rev. 00 / 27.01.2020
8 User’s Responsibilities
Observe and comply with all guidelines and requirements
In the EEA (European Economic Area) national implementation of the framework directive
89/391/EEC and corresponding individual directives, in particular the directive 2009/104/
EC concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment
by workers at work, as amended, are to be observed and adhered to. In Germany e.g. the
Industrial Safety Ordinance must be observed.
Make sure to have a local operating permit available and observe the associated conditions.
In addition to this you must observe environmental requirements and local laws on the follow-
ing points:
Personnel safety (accident prevention regulations)
Safety of work materials and tools (safety equipment and maintenance)
Disposal of products (laws on wastes)
Disposal of materials (laws on wastes)
Cleaning (cleansing agents and disposal)
9 Personnel requirements
The flow measurement system shall be used only by personnel meeting the demands as fol-
Expert personnel with relevant training and appropriate qualification
Personnel authorised by the plant operator
Qualified personnel
within the context of this documentation or the safety notes on the product itself are per-
sons who are sufficiently familiar with installation, mounting, starting up and operation of
the product and who have the relevant qualifications for their work; for example:
Training, instruction or authorisation to activate/deactivate, isolate, ground and
mark electric circuits and devices/systems according to the safety engineering
Education and instruction according to the standards of safety engineering regard-
ing the maintenance and use of adequate safety equipment.
First aid training