Address Book
Linking Address Book and Phone Lists
Linking contact information in Address Book to your Phone Lists enables you to
more effectively manage your data. When a contact is “linked”, changes or
updates that you make in one area, will automatically be reflected in the other
area. For example, Joe Smith is a contact record in your Address Book. His
office number is also in your Speed Dial List. If the Address Book contact entry
is linked to the Speed Dial List, when Joe’s office moves to a new building and
you update the contact information, his new office number will automatically be
updated in your Speed Dial Phone List (on the Web site). The reverse is also
true. If you make a change in your Phone List (on the Web site) and the contact
is linked to an Address Book entry, the Address Book contact record will be
updated with the new phone number.
“Click To” Send a Message
Address Book is designed to work with Nextel’s Messaging applications. You
can quickly choose a contact from your Address Book and “Click To” send a
Text Message or Two-Way Message to that contact.
Online Phone Lists
Phone Lists is an online list management tool which enables you to enter up to
100 names and phone numbers for Speed Dial and Private ID Lists using your
computer and then send that information to your phone for quick and easy
dialing access. Phone Lists incorporates all the functionality of Nextel’s List
Manager. If you have used List Manager previously, the data in your Speed
Dial, Private ID and Talkgroup Lists were migrated to Phone Lists within the
Address Book application. If you’ve never used List Manager, you will want to
create Phone Lists using one of the following methods.
Creating Phone Lists
Phone Lists (both Speed Dial and Private ID) may contain up to 100 names and
phone numbers. There are a number of ways to create a phone list: pulling lists
from the phone to the Web, using the “Click To” service in Address Book,
Select a contact (or multiple contacts) or Distribution List to whom you
wish to send a message by placing a check in the box next to the con-
tact(s) or Distribution List name(s).
From the “Click To” drop-down box, select Send a Message.
Verify that the contacts/ Distribution List displayed are those to whom
you wish to send a message. You may remove a contact/Distribution
List by clicking to remove the check in the box to the left of the name.
Click continue.
The Messaging application will automatically open and
pre-populate the Messaging Address.
Complete the desired fields and send your message as usual.