BenchMike Pro 2025/2050 & Z-Mike Pro 4025/4050 Instruction Handbook: Setup
Type 9
Distance between two reference edges
Type 10
Distance between upper reference edge and upper edge of product
Type 11
Distance between lower reference edge and lower edge of product
Type 12
Distance between lower edge of beam and lower edge of product
Type 13
Distance between upper edge of beam and upper edge of product
Type 51
Diameter of transparent product
Type 52
Reference edge to lower edge of transparent product
Type 53
Distance between reference edge and upper edge of transparent product
Customized measurement; see description on following page
4.10.4 Measurement Method
There are three options for Measurement Method: Single measurements, Continuous measurements, and Moving
measurements are selected, the BenchMike Pro will take one reading and then stop.
measurements are selected, the BenchMike Pro will take multiple readings until
stopped by the user.
Moving Average
measurements are selected, the BenchMike Pro will use the simple moving av-
erage method to continuously average the most recent X number of scans until stopped by the user. The
user-defined Averaging Period is used as the averaging window, and the display rate is 5 readings per
second, regardless of window size.
4.10.5 Part Mode
art Mode is also present on this tab. This mode allows you to
start taking measurements automatically when a new part is
placed in the measurement area. Part Mode applies an Enter
Delay and an Exit Delay to allow time for each part to be placed
and removed.
The second tab allows you to define the
Averaging Rate
values. The Averaging Rate can be specified based on a
number of scans or a length of time in seconds. For the values
shown to the right, the BenchMike Pro would accumulate scans
for 2.00 seconds and then average that data to compute the reading value. When selecting a small averaging
rate, it is best to select an even number of scans.
NOTE: This mode cannot be enabled when an Intelligent Fixture is in use.