with the shipment of products to NDC Technologies for repair. NDC Technologies will pay the cost of return-
ing the equipment to customer.
If it is mutually determined by the buyer and NDC Technologies that the examination, replacement or
repair takes place at the buyer’s facility, then the buyer will be responsible for NDC Technologies’
travel and living expenses incurred in traveling to and from the buyer’s facility, and during the time of
the visit, as well as the cost of field labor and replacement parts unless the parts being repaired or re-
placed are determined to have been defective, in which event the cost of said repaired or replacement
parts shall be borne by NDC Technologies. These travel and living expenses will be billed to the buyer
at actual cost to NDC Technologies.
No person, including any NDC Technologies distributor, agent or representative, is authorized to assume any
liability on behalf or in the name of NDC Technologies, and NDC Technologies shall not be bound to any un-
derstandings, representations, or agreements with respect to warranties except as set forth in this policy.
NDC Technologies requests immediate notification of any claims arising from damage in transit in order to
determine if carrier responsibility exists. If damaged equipment arrives, save the shipping container for in-
spection by the carrier and telephone NDC Technologies as soon as possible.