BenchMike Pro 2025/2050 & Z-Mike Pro 4025/4050 Instruction Handbook: Workholding Fixtures
Intelligent Fixture: Rotary/Linear Fixture Position
To access this page, select the Setup icon, then Data, and then Fixture Position. Either Rotary Position or Linear
Position will appear. Select the appropriate option.
The Intelligent Fixture allows the BenchMike Pro to operate with
both rotary and linear fixtures, in both motorized and non-motorized
configurations. Rotary fixtures include the ID/OD/Wall and Belt
Drive fixtures.
Most NDC Technologies fixtures contain an ID chip. The Intelligent
Fixture option allows the BenchMike Pro to read this ID chip to iden-
tify the name and physical characteristics of the fixture including
motor, encoder, gear ratio, end of travel sensor, etc. If a fixture
without an ID chip is being used, the BenchMike Pro must be set up manually to recognize the fixture. See the
The Rotary Position or Linear Position data item can be defined mathematically when an Intelligent Fixture is in
use. From Expression Editor, use the appropriate variable name in your expression: linpos1 or rotpos1.
Description of Fixtures
The following additional fixtures can be used with the BenchMike Pro.
Note: If you have a manual fixture, the BenchMike Pro will ask you when to start and stop measurements at each
position. Motorized fixtures communicate this information directly to the BenchMike Pro.
General Purpose Fixed V-Block Fixture
The Fixed (or Universal) V-Block is designed to hold a wide variety of product sizes and types in the measure-
ment area of the BenchMike Pro.
Measurement ranges:
Model 2025: 0.762-22.86 mm (0.030-0.900 in.)
Model 2050: 0.762-45.72 mm (0.030-1.800 in.)
(The V-Blocks are identical except for the thickness of the mounting spacers)
Wrought steel V-block with 120° included angle
V-block is hardened to Rockwell C 40-45
Polycarbonate mounting spacers are used to reduce heat transfer and provide a measure of thermal iso-
Working surfaces are ground flat and parallel to the bottom of the mounting base within 0.01 mm/per cm
(0.001 in./per in.) or better
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