BenchMike Pro 2025/2050 & Z-Mike Pro 4025/4050 Instruction Handbook: Remote Setup
Messages from the BenchMike Pro without the Wrapper
Here is the format of a message from the BenchMike Pro to the host device, with a sample message,
when the
message has been understood and data is returned:
Here is the format of a message from the BenchMike Pro to the host device, with a sample message,
when the
message has been understood but there is no data to return:
Here is the format of a message from the BenchMike Pro to the host device, with a sample message,
when the
message was invalid or is not understood:
When the BenchMike Pro receives a command that is not understood or is invalid, it will return a text string indi-
cating the reason for the lack of acknowledgement in addition to the NAK response. These text strings vary to
indicate the type of error.
Messages to the BenchMike Pro with the Wrapper
When sending a message from the host device to the BenchMike Pro with the wrapper, the example given on the
previous page is used. The following are descriptions of the segments of that command.
Start of Header <SOH>
The Start of Header is a non-printable character that begins all PURL commands.
Serial Address <ADR>
The Serial Address command is currently not supported. The BenchMike Pro will respond to any address.
Sequence Character <SEQ>
The Sequence Character is a single, printable ASCII character selected by the user. This allows you to match
commands to BenchMike Pro responses, which is important when you have issued several commands. Since
these values are user-selected, remember to keep track of them as they are used. If you are writing a program to
communicate with the BenchMike Pro, you should increment this number each time you send a command. When
the BenchMike Pro responds, verify that the Sequence Number of the response equals the Sequence Number of
the command that you sent.
Separator <FS>└
The Field Separator is a non-printable character that indicates the start of the Command Segment, or the Re-
turned Data.