BenchMike Pro 2025/2050 & Z-Mike Pro 4025/4050 Instruction Handbook: Setup
For manual and automatic rotating fixtures: Measurement is initiated by the Go command. At the end of each av-
eraging period (defined in Measurement Setup), the user is prompted to rotate the sample to the next position and
press Go to take the next measurement. Graphical displays are not available in this mode because the position is
not known reliably unless the fixture has a position encoder.
For automatic rotating fixtures: Measurement is initiated by the Go command. Measurements are captured while
the fixture is rotating. This mode can be used to capture the Maximum, Minimum, or Maximum-Minimum (Diff).
The user enters the speed and amount of rotation. Graphical displays are not available in this mode.
tab allows you to define either the number of po-
sitions (from 2 to 360) or number of degrees of rotation (from 1
to 360). You can also select total degrees of rotation values of:
360, 180, or a custom value.
tab allows you to select the desired values for the
Motion Speed
: Sample rotation speed
Enable Half-Stepping
: Permits smoother sample rotation
Home Fixture and End of Meas Cycle
: Returns fixture to starting position at end of cycle
Disable Motor After Movement
Turns off fixture’s motor at end of cycle
Each time the laser beam passes over the product, the BenchMike Pro records the product size as a scan. For
greater accuracy, the BenchMike Pro groups these scans together to compute a reading. Each measurement
reading is displayed on the BenchMike Pro’s screen.
You specify how to compute and display the readings through three Measurement Setup tabs. Measurement set-
tings can be accessed through the Measurement Type, Averaging, and Custom tabs. Note that on the Type tab
only the Measurement Type can be changed when an Intelligent Fixture is used.