BenchMike Pro 2025/2050 & Z-Mike Pro 4025/4050 Instruction Handbook: Introduction
Measuring a Product
The BenchMike Pro measures a part by sweeping a beam of laser light across its measurement area. Each
sweep of the beam is called a scan. The BenchMike Pro scans the part 100 times per second.
As the beam sweeps through the BenchMike Pro’s measure-
ment area, it is alternately blocked by the part, or allowed to
pass through to the receive side of the BenchMike Pro. This
breaks each scan up into segments of light (when the beam
passes over the product) and dark (when the beam is blocked
by the product). The BenchMike Pro measures the diameter of
a part by detecting the size of this
“shadow” (dark segment)
created by the part.
Note: The number of segments created by the laser beam will
vary based on the number of part(s) placed in the measurement area.
In general, you can measure an object placed in the scanning laser beam if it creates a “shadow”. However, to
obtain maximum accuracy, a certain portion has been defined as the measurement area. This area represents the
location where specifications apply and performance is consistent with factory calibration and alignment.
The measurement area surrounds the Pass Line of the gauge and covers of the full measurement range of the
unit (1.0 in. for the Model 2025 and 2.0 in. for the Model 2050). The Pass Line of the gauge is located halfway
between the transmitter and the receiver. These areas are de-
fined as follows:
Model 2025: ±0.030 in. from the Pass Line
Model 2050: ±0.060 in. from the Pass Line
You will obtain the most accurate measurements from your
BenchMike Pro when the part is placed in this area.
Note: Specifications apply at the intersection of the Scan Centerline and the Pass Line.